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April 16, 2022

6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Energy Exchange: 500MXN  

BCS, Mexico

Maya Abou Chedid


Theme: "The Joy of Being"


While a lot is happening and events are moving much faster, there is also an underlying sense of excitement in the air. More revelations and closures of cycles in our life are gradually surfacing. 

We are digging deep and look face to face at all kinds and forms of fear and pain. 
Every moment, we can choose to look at the expression of life as based in fear and pain or choose to use those energies to propel us beyond the suffering of attachment or repulsion embedded mostly in our minds.
We can shift the way we are looking at life.
Every moment is an opportunity to open up further, step back, drop in and simply allow what is to be without the opinion that fuels it and gives it more power.   

The true power is Love.
The true power is God.
The true power is Divine. It is Pure Consciousness.
The true power is the pulse of life that is always singing, always dancing and vibrating, always celebrating the joy of every expression of life and living being on this earth.
No one can control this pulse of life and trying is only making it louder and louder.

On this Full Moon, we are celebrating the joy of being, here and now because here and now is the only truth that exists. 

Offering will include:

  • Opening Sacred Space
  • Serving Cacao & Damiana 
  • Breathwork & Sacred Motion
  • Guided Shamanic Journey  
  • Listening Circle

* Places are limited.
Registration is open till April 16, 2022 and the additional information (location, logistics, preparation) will be shared subsequently. 

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