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May 15, 2022

6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Energy Exchange: 25$ 

Todos Santos, BCS

Maya Abou Chedid



Theme: "Eyes Wide Open"


The Moon is getting more and more lit by the day and with that, intensity of unresolved emotional and mental challenges.
Many themes are coming up especially revolving around relationships; The way we relate to ourselves, our bodies… and how this is essentially playing out in the dynamics in relating with others, especially family and partners. 

This full moon charged by the lunar eclipse is enhancing the partial solar eclipse that we are bathed in since the most recent new moon phase. Intense is the least way this can be expressed.
Eclipses don’t just happen. They ripple over time and they bring out deep stuff! 
More cleansing is happening for us to see things with more clarity and open our eyes to face what we were not able to face before. All is divinely aligned and it is never too late to forgive in order to move on with less weight and more insights to live wholeheartedly and love who we are as God – the Divine created us.  

Offering will include:

  • Opening Sacred Space around the Fire. 
  • Serving Mapacho – Pure Tobacco Medicine (served in liquid form and snorted through the nose).

    Mapacho Tobacco is one of the most potent Plant Teachers and Doctor Spirits of the Amazon and in many traditions including the Mazatecs.
    Pure Tobacco, used as a medicine, is a diagnostic ally that shows and communicates what is going on with someone.
    It is an intention based medicine and a deep healing plant spirit. It ensures, among other uses, a cleansing of the vision (seeing with clarity), the frontal lobe and sinuses and resets you to ground your body as we journey with its medicine. 

    One of its other medicinal effects is that it is an antimicrobial and antifungal plant. Energetically, it can also work on cleansing traces of infections from the body. 

    Pure Tobacco straightens energy. It is grounding and brings you right in the moment to sit and be with what is coming up for you based on your intention. 

    *If you would like to attend and you have any heart, blood pressure imbalance or any other medical diagnosis that you need to inform me about, please get in touch here.  

  • Shamanic Journey.  
  • Offering to the Fire.  

*  Places are limited. Thank you in advance for your understanding. 

*  Upon registration by May 14, 2022, you will receive an email with additional information (location, logistics, preparation).

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