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April 30, 2022

7:00 – 10:00 PM

Energy Exchange: 25$

Todos Santos, Mexico

Maya Abou Chedid



Theme: "Romance Yourself"


This coming New Moon is enhanced by a Solar Eclipse. An auspicious alignment to look at starting again. An opportunity for a whole NEW BEGINNING!

The cycles of the Moon for us, Women are an ongoing monthly rite of passage. It does not really stop even if we want it. More so, when we keep trying to postpone or disregard this natural flow, it is happening in the deep waters within us. If you are in a body of a woman in this lifetime, you know it, in a way or another.

A whole bunch of supporting energies are simultaneously challenging and inviting us to slow down and go even deeper to tap into a space of silence. Once that allows us to see and feel a real connection with this inner nectar that is love. 
A nectar squeezed and extracted from the essence of who we really are as women, embodying the feminine and masculine in balance and harmony, thrill and joy, beauty and ecstasy. In Love with Earth and the cycles of life. 

Our Offering will include:

  • Ceremonial Cacao & Vanilla Medicine 
  • Shamanic Journey 
  • Body based group work
  • Breathwork & Movement 
  • Offering to the Waters 

*  Upon registration by April 29, 2022, you will receive an email or message with additional information (location, logistics, preparation).

Register to Ceremony

Payment applies as per event setting.