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Walk child, walk
Play as the trees cheer you 
Laugh as the bees hear you 
Fall to smell the fragrance of flowers 
Catch the beetles and colorful cicadas
Show the world the beauty of beings
Run little girl, run…
Away from what you knew life was, Presented, imprinted and fake
Run into what life is to you 
Where you start is where you end
Start again, move and bend
Look into everything 
Gaze in the eye of all 
In ever being, see the spark
Shining in the dark 
That dark where you sit still 
In the abyss of oceans 
In the width of skies
Another shiny dot
Another perfect pearl
Sought yet found
The silence and the sound
The space in between
Where the hand of God 
Touches your heart
The playground, the player
The ground, child you know
The pine trees, the olives, the oaks 
They are here, branches caress
Your being, you are
Being child, loved and whole
Play, play and play with it all.

Maya Abou Chedid

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