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A Letter to Self


Dear Self,
What do you need?
Do you need to shed some tears?
The soil is here, right beneath…
Cry the shame out…
Cry the pain out.
Cry the anger out.
It was never your fault
Nor is it anybody else’s.
What is the fault in a world? 
Dualized at the bite of an apple?
The story of pain, you can re-write it.
I judge you not, 
Nor do I victimize you.
Let us talk this through. 
Let us share, 
Everything about you.
What do you need to feel from others?Sympathy? 
I call upon honesty.
A listening ear? 
I hear you fully.
A true eye-contact? 
I see you.
A touch? 
I caress you.
A warm hug? I embrace you fully.
What do you need to say to others? 
Would they understand?
What do you need to truly feel, allow, Acknowledge and be witnessed for?
Through the insanity of it all, 
You are a part of me,
I cherish you dearly.
What can I bring in to make it kinder, 
Softer and gentler for you?
There is no wrong, 
Nor do I condemn, 
Anything in my essence.
The harm and the hurt, 
Cracked you open for me, 
To see you,
For you to see me.
We yearned to meet again!
Can I help you feel safe? 
Embraced and loved,
Before all and after all, 
You are cherished, 
You are precious, 
You are loved.
I love you, 
In your imperfections and your vices.
I love you, 
In what pains you and what rejoices you.
I love you,
In your failures and your glories, 
To make it through the day…
I love every part of you.
You are in the bones, 
The mother, the father,
The sister and the bother, 
The lover and the holy spirit too.
You are the painting on a canvas, 
With all the colors that brush stroke 
Every breath into form.
Every breath in waves and sound,
I hear the song of life.
The song of creation,
In the whisper of the wind 
In the rays of the sun.
With the drop of the rain, 
And the waves of the oceans.
In every seed merging with soil, 
In the heartbeat of the mother.
You weave my existence, 
Only to remember that, 
You are everything that exists.
A spectrum in all spectrums, 
The shades and the lights.
A being in all beings, 
The helpless and the mighty.
Come forth, dear self, and let you be.

Maya Abou Chedid

Dear Self,
What do you need?
Do you need to shed some tears?
The soil is here, right beneath…
Cry the shame out…
Cry the pain out.
Cry the anger out.
It was never your fault
Nor is it anybody else’s.
What is the fault in a world? 
Dualized at the bite of an apple?
The story of pain, you can re-write it.
I judge you not, 
Nor do I victimize you.
Let us talk this through. 
Let us share, 
Everything about you.
What do you need to feel from others?Sympathy? 
I call upon honesty.
A listening ear? 
I hear you fully.
A true eye-contact? 
I see you.
A touch? 
I caress you.
A warm hug? I embrace you fully.
What do you need to say to others? 
Would they understand?
What do you need to truly feel, allow, Acknowledge and be witnessed for?
Through the insanity of it all, 
You are a part of me,
I cherish you dearly.
What can I bring in to make it kinder, 
Softer and gentler for you?
There is no wrong, 
Nor do I condemn, 
Anything in my essence.
The harm and the hurt, 
Cracked you open for me, 
To see you,
For you to see me.
We yearned to meet again!
Can I help you feel safe? 
Embraced and loved,
Before all and after all, 
You are cherished, 
You are precious, 
You are loved.
I love you, 
In your imperfections and your vices.
I love you, 
In what pains you and what rejoices you.
I love you,
In your failures and your glories, 
To make it through the day…
I love every part of you.
You are in the bones, 
The mother, the father,
The sister and the bother, 
The lover and the holy spirit too.
You are the painting on a canvas, 
With all the colors that brush stroke 
Every breath into form.
Every breath in waves and sound,
I hear the song of life.
The song of creation,
In the whisper of the wind 
In the rays of the sun.
With the drop of the rain, 
And the waves of the oceans.
In every seed merging with soil, 
In the heartbeat of the mother.
You weave my existence, 
Only to remember that, 
You are everything that exists.
A spectrum in all spectrums, 
The shades and the lights.
A being in all beings, 
The helpless and the mighty.
Come forth, dear self,
And let you be.

Maya Abou Chedid

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