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September 20, 2021

6:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Energy Exchange: On Site 

Baja California, Mexico

Maya Abou Chedid



Theme: "Watering the Inside Out"


It is time to break the hard and rigid with even more gentleness. The ongoing direction is from the inside out instead of the outside in.
We are invited and most are feeling the thrust to open more space within so that everything that used to play out without our awareness does not have a role to play any longer. Period. Entertaining old destructive patterns is not a choice for many.  
In storms, sometimes we need to run for shelter and when we are sheltered, we stay still. Sitting and watching with eyes wide open. With presence. This is when we are able to see. 

This Full Moon has set it all for me to offer a Ceremony with one of the local plant medicines in Baja California.
The medicine of the pacific ocean will accompany us to cleanse and soothe our being and offer blessings to the miracle that water provides to our life and our bodies. 
When we cleanse the body, we are able to feel an opening again and what we used to believe in dissipates with the least resistance. 

Cleansing allows the ability to rest and be present and relax into a space of medicine and allowing the innate healing ability of your body to switch on.  
The guidance comes through from the inside out.
There is nothing to do or struggle with. The subtlety is in allowing and seeing the duality as it is and use what has been constricting you to expand and grow beyond any definition especially the ones that are based on separation, fear, hatred, anger, competition, judgment and greed.
This Ceremony is offered in person on a private patch of the Pacific Ocean. 
If you happen to be in or near Baja California – Mexico, get in touch with me and I will send you the information.  
In order to be received by others, receive Yourself first. 

The Offering will include:

  • Shamanic Journey with Plant Medicine (Source: Baja California). 
  • Water cleanse and blessing.  
  • Moon Offering.  

*  Upon registration by September 19, 2021, you will receive an email with additional information (location, logistics, preparation).

Register to Ceremony

Upon registration, you will receive the payment link.

    * Required information: