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Full Moon Ceremony - Tobacco Medicine

"Let's Get Real"

August 30, 2023

Solstice Ceremony

"Creating from Joy"

June 21, 2022

Full Supermoon Ceremony - Cacao Medicine

"Shine Your Raw Colors"

June 14, 2022

Full Moon Ceremony - Lunar Eclipse - Mapacho Medicine

"Eyes Wide Open"

May 15, 2022

Full Moon Ceremony - Cacao & Damiana

"The Joy of Being"

April 16, 2022

Spring Equinox Ceremony - Cacao & Damiana Medicine

"Blessing New Seeds"

March 20, 2022

Full Moon Ceremony - Online Gathering

"Being of Service"

March 18, 2022

Full Moon Ceremony

"Beyond The Moon"

February 16, 2022

Full Moon Ceremony

"Keep Dancing. Keep Singing"

January 17, 2022

Winter Solstice Cacao Ceremony

"The Birthing of the Sun"

December 21, 2021

September Equinox - Online Ceremony

"Changing Your Colors"

September 22, 2021

Full Moon Ceremony - Baja Medicine

"Watering the Inside Out"

September 20, 2021

Full Moon Ceremony with Cacao & Damiana Medicine

"Standing In Your Heart"

July 24, 2021

Full Moon Ceremony with Damiana Medicine

"Merging Sun & Moon Within"

June 24, 2021

Full Moon Ceremony - Mapacho Medicine

"Moving Through"

May 26, 2021