Align with the Divine Wisdom
Navigate the Unknown
Embody the Changes
and Personal Support
Preparation and Integration Support
Handpicked Tools for Your Personal Growth

Why Inspirited?
Just as nature is imbued with enchantment, so too are we infused with inspiration.
Shamanism is a way of embracing life, harmonizing with the rhythmic cycles of nature. In its simplest form, it’s an experiential journey of inhabiting a physical vessel, heeding the beckoning calls of our spirits. “Inspirited” signifies our connection to the Medicine of Creation. Spirit, in its ever-flowing essence, births, stirs, and transforms, making way for the perpetual cycle of creation. It dwells in the essence of all things, within every breath and in the spaces between.
Repeatedly stirred by the spirit, we come to realize that life is a dance. We attune our inner senses to the wisdom of nature and remember the language spoken by our bodies, echoed by our minds. Standing firmly in our inherent power, we integrate the fragments that resonate with our pure essence, nurturing trust in our intuition and opening our hearts to the beauty inherent in everything, ourselves included.
“Inspirited” or “Hhay” (as expressed in Arabic) is the quintessence dwelling within You, I, every individual, and every entity. It’s the wellspring from which we craft each moment of existence.
We embark on a shared odyssey guided by intention, invocation, manifestation, ceremony, offering, opening, receiving, connection, communication, and jubilation.
This is the enchanting entropy of existence we call Life.
Pay attention to whatever Inspires You. For it is “Spirit” trying to communicate with You. That’s why it is called “inspiration” as “in-spirit”. Listen to it. Trust it. Act on it.

The preparation for a Plant Teacher Ceremony covers discussion and guidance around set, and setting…
In a shamanic ceremony setting, such as a Plant Medicine Ceremony, establishing a strong foundation for integration is crucial to the overall experience.
Schedule a Free 30mn Exploratory Call
Explore what I can offer you on your journey going into Ceremony and beyond.
Schedule Now“You are the Medicine”
– Maria Sabina (Mazatec Curandera, Eagle Woman)

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“Your soul is both of you and of the world. The world cannot be full until you become fully yourself. Your soul corresponds to a niche, a distinctive place in nature, like a vibrant space of shimmering potential waiting to be discovered, claimed,…occupied. Your soul is in and of the world, like a whirlpool in a river, a wave in the ocean, or a branch of flame in a fire.”
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